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- Important Resources | WVEIICC
Important Resources Access to information is essential for anyone touching the lives of infants, toddlers and their families. You will find resources here to help! WV GEIICC Partners WV Legislature Office of Maternal Child & Family Health WV CHIP WVDE - Office of Special Education Bureau for Medical Services WV Head Start Association Early Care and Education Offices of the Insurance Commissioner WVDE - McKinney Vento Homeless Bureau for Social Services Bureau for Behavioral Health Center for Excellence in Disabiltiies Familiy Resource Networks WV Chapter of the AAP WV Newborn Hearing Screening Disability Rights WV WV Developmental Disabilities Council WV Home Visitation Programs WV Parent Training and Information West Virginia Resources Early Care Share First 1000 Days Strengthening Families WV WV 211 WV Association of Positive Behavior Support WV Autism Training Center WV Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing WV Connections WV Early Childhood Advisory Council WV Early Childhood Planning Task Force WV Early Childhood Training Connections & Resources WV Home and Community Based Services WV Infant Toddler Mental Health Association National Resources Americans with Disabilities Act Division of Early Childhood Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Individuals with Disabilities Education Act National Association for the Education of Young Children National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act Zero to Three
- Home | WVEIICC
WV Governor's Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council Supporting the WV Birth to Three system Who We Are and What We Do WV Governor's Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council is a West Virginia Governor appointed interagency council that supports the WV Birth to Three system. Our mission is to improve the lives of infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities and support their families. We work collaboratively with families, service providers, and community partners to provide advice and assistance in the design and implementation of early intervention services in West Virginia to ensure that families with eligible infants and toddlers receive the services and support they need to reach their full potential. Learn More About Us
- Membership | WVEIICC
WV GEIICC Membership Who Are Our Members? The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) identifies the membership categories of each state's ICC. Membership includes representatives from: parents of children with special needs, public or private providers of early intervention services, members of state agencies involved in the provision of, or payment for, early intervention services State Department of Education personnel responsible for preschool services to children with disabilities, Head Start, State Legislators, University or college system, child care, parents, and other members selected by the Governor. The parents on the ICC bring their real life experience to the table and those who provide the services provide expertise on how systems work and how to accomplish the tasks of the ICC. Working together as a team makes the ICC an asset in the planning and advocacy for a statewide coordinated and comprehensive system of services and supports in early intervention. Click Here to View Our Current Membership List Becoming A Member? When positions are open on the WV GEIICC, notification is sent to stakeholders across the state. Council membership is determined by one of several processes. Individuals interested in joining in the work of the Council, can nominate themselves for open seats, or nominate others for membership. The Governor makes most of the appointments for a three-year term. He/She fills open positions in one of several categories: parent members, provider members, and general public members. Legislative leadership decides who will fill the two legislative positions. State Agency leadership determines whether they will serve or who will serve as their designee(s). If you would like additional information, contact the ICC by email or calling 304-972-9348.
- Upcoming Events | WVEIICC
WV Governor's Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council (WV GEIICC) Upcoming Events September 18, 2024 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Best Western 100 Lodgeville Rd Bridgeport, WV 26330 Agenda Minutes November 20, 2024 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Summersville Arena 3 Armory Way Summersville, WV 26651 Agenda Minutes January 15, 2025 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Holiday Inn 400 2nd Ave, SW South Charleston, WV 25303 Agenda Minutes March 26, 2025 9:30 am - 3:30 pm John XXIII Pastoral Center 100 Hodges Rd Charleston, WV 25314 Agenda Minutes June 10-12, 2025 Strategic Planning Retreat Canaan Resort State Park 230 Main Lodge Rd Davis, WV 26260 Agenda Minutes Get Directions to Our Next Meeting Council meetings are open to the public and a comment period is set aside during each meeting to hear from our guests. If you would like additional information, contact the ICC by email or call 304-972-9348 . Other Activities Click the links for more information Deaf Monthly Coffee Chats - Ongoing Celebrating Connections - March 19-21, 2025 ACEs Inaugural Conference: Prevent. Treat. Heal - June 5-6, 2025
- Families | WVEIICC
Resources for Families You may have found the WV Governor's Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council (WV GEIICC) website looking for information on services for infants and toddlers in WV, you will find some resources here to help! The first three years of your child's life are incredibly important to set a foundation for a lifetime of healthy growth and learning. As their parent, you are the most impactful teacher your child will ever have. Sometimes to do your best work you need support and information, WV Birth to Three can be an incredible resource for families with infants and toddlers experiencing developmental delays and disabilities. Visit the WV Birth to Three website for more information. What is Family Coaching in WV Birth to Three? Coaching Tips What Do Families Say About WV Birth to Three Video 1 Video 2 WV Resources Children with Special Health Care Needs Find a Child Care Provider Head Start & Early Head Start WV Achieving Better Life Experience (ABLE) WV Health Insurance Premium Payment WV Help Me Grow WV Home Visitation WV Imagination Library WV Peoples Access to Help (WV PATH) WV WIC Help & Hope WV Stigma Free WV Supporting Development Looking for some ideas to make the most of your child's early years of life, check these out! Developing a Love of Books Track Your Child's Development Magic of Everyday Moments The Power of Play Challenging Behavior Concerns Why Early Relationships Matter - WV Birth to Three DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR SHOP NOW As Your Child Turns Three WV Birth to Three Transition Resources WV Department of Education Hand In Hand with Special Education Ready, Set, Go! School Readiness Obtain Your Child's Birth Certificate Immunization Requirements Parent's Advocacy Guide to Special Education Pathways to the Future Scholarships for WV Residents WV Student Success Project WV Parent Training & Information (WVPTI) Partners in Policymaking Paths for Parents - Pocket Guide
- About | WVEIICC
About Us: The WV Governor's Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council (WV GEIICC): established in 1987 in compliance with Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) tasked to provide advice and assistance to the WV Department of Health in the planning, developing, implementation, and evaluation of the WV Birth to Three system, the lead agency (WVDH) has the final authority in the administration of the state system. Collaboration We believe that collaboration is essential to achieving our mission. We work closely with families, service providers, and community partners to ensure that all children receive the services and supports they need to develop and thrive. Innovation We are committed to staying up to date with research and best practices in early intervention to ensure WV Birth to Three provides high quality services and supports to improve outcomes for children and families. Empowerment We believe families are the experts on their children. We work to further empower families as active participants in the decision making process and to advocate for their child and family's needs.
- Member Tools & Resources | WVEIICC
Member Tools & Resources As a member of the ICC, you play a very important role within committees and the council as a whole. You bring expertise, knowledge, skills, and personal stories to be shared in assisting the WV Birth to Three system. Members are expected to come to each meeting prepared and ready to participate to the fullest. You are encouraged to: Represent the ICC in a positive and supportive manner; Share the work of the ICC with the constituency you represent and get feedback as to the work being done; Bring forward priorities, issues, and concerns your constituency has regarding the work that is being done; Ask for additional resources that you may need to feel prepared to participate fully; and, Ask for a Mentor who can guide you in your work. Council Resources 2023 Annual Report WV GEIICC Bylaws Commonly Used Acronyms WV State Code - Early Intervention Services Web Resources Coaching in Early Intervention Early Start Denver Model F-Words Knowledge Hub Family Guided Routines Based Intervention Laying the Foundation for Early Development Pyramid Model Practices Strengthening Families Through Home Visiting The Science of Early Childhood Development The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Guide to Support Young Children's Resilience Children Develop in Relationships IDEA Federal Regulations - ICC's IDEA SAP & ICC Website